Monday, April 25, 2011

HOFFs World Record

Come Easter Saturday, and fresh from the reminder of the beautiful conditions of Friday - see Easter Treats - not one, not two but 19 Hoffs formed a pod at Merewether for another autumn swim. However, unlike the day before, the wind and swell had picked up and the boats were facing to the south-east.

We kicked off into the swell and did our compulsory gathering at the "steps in front of Dixon". There Kate (time for Coffee) rounded two-thirds of the crew up and lead them back to Swells. That left 5 of us slogging it out northwards - it soon became apparent that there was a strong southerly sweep. Outside Bar Beach SLSC, myself, Damien and Greg, turned around to head back only to find ourselves battling a strong rip on the return. This was a gentle reminder that we dealing with the sea and that it's not always a friendly ocean. Steve and Liz had decided to turn around, having noted the rip and make the hard run back. Once we broke free of the rip's grip, we were making some progress but having taken double the time to get to the small headland north of Dixon, we (3) decided to pull out to shore. We then watched out for Liz and Steve who bravely battled out the back and made the distance.

Then with the after swims tradition, we were treated to a display of dolphins surfing the break in front of the Swells Cafe, as if to say, well done, but we are the experts. Respect..

Friday, April 22, 2011

Easter Treats

Good Friday and there are choices. One can follow some bloke dragging a wooden cross through the streets while throwing rose petals ... or one can go ocean swimming with the HOFFs. On a bright sunny day with barely a swell, and a slight off shore breeze, the HOFFs gathered at their (coffee) watering hole to enjoy the autumn festivities.

10 Hoffs and 2 paddlers gathered. Like lemmings to the fold, they jumped from the Merewether Baths into the torquoise waters (omg, who writes this stuff??). Then on and on, they swam on, and stopped for a chat, then swam on, chat, swim, chat, swim, turn around, swim, chat, then coffee and chat.

Glorious weather conditions; dolphins out the back, great company and an expanding crowd, and yes, there's video...

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Super Sunday - Terrigal Edition

Four swims on offer for Sunday 17th April – the choice was made easier for this HOFF with the postponement of Bondi.

Maitland Swimmer had already signed up for it, I was happy to be able to “have cake and eat it too” and participate as well.

Terrigal’s a great choice for a day when the conditions are rough elsewhere. Not saying it was easy and flat – there was still a bit of swell around, causing organizers to change the 2km course to a two lapper.

We met up with a few familiar faces – Cat McAlister (RealDealCat) up from the big smoke, and Col Booth – central coast local heading for a top 20 finish in the end-of-season swim tally. Also got chatting to John from Avoca, who swims with a group called The Lizards – they swim at Avoca every morning.

1km swim was the usual diamond-shaped course. A bit of swell heading north made sighting slightly tricky. Got caught in a battle of wills against a brick-shaped being in a black two-piece with the same coloured cap as me (ie, competition). Some punters are pretty rough to swim next to, and she was no exception. Got her on the run to the finish.

2km swim was changed from the usual oblong to 2 laps of a longer version of the 1km swim (hence not really 2km but a bargain nonetheless). On finishing my first lap I noticed a flash in a yellow cap to my right – it was Don Boland finishing the swim and winning overall.

Maitland Swimmer podiumed – given “equal third” at ceremony but we think he might have done a bit better than this. RealDealCat and I were robbed for a podium but enjoyed it anyway.

Celebrations continued on at the Cool Rock ice-cream bar for some, others found Terrigal to be a “Magnum-free-zone” and left, stopping at first petrol station in sight to fuel up.

And so, armed with an extra large pepsi max (to keep micro-sleeps at bay) and a choc bickie magnum (I swam for it), I headed back home for a nap.


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Hoffs Go Clubbin 2

(the picture I forgot; WJB :))

HOFFS Go Clubbin"

Sunday - April 10, Forster.

The HOFFs were well represented at the Club to Club swim held in Forster on Sunday. Present were...Warren, Robyn, Courtney, Steve and Liz (oh yeah, and me Kate!!).

For this HOFF, it was the first swim with no 'escape route'. Swims with 'Escape routes' are always reassuring - its nice to think, if I get tired, I'll just swim to the shore! NO such option for most of the Club to Club Swim!

The Club to Club swim is a near 4km swim from Cape Hawke SLSC to Forster Main Beach SLSC. The first part of the swim is along the white sand of One Mile beach and then its out around the headland for the long haul along the cliff faces, past Pebbly Beach out around a smaller headland to the waiting sausage sandwich at Main Beach.

The entry and exit to the swim were ideal; there was no big surf or shore dump to contend with. However, the swim along the cliffs meant a slog into a NE rolling swell with a bit of wind chop. Buoys were big, and well placed, but I'll be blowed if I could site them well as the rolling swell meant that they, along with the swimmers only 10m away disappeared behinds walls of water. Water safety was abundant with numerous paddlers, a reported 3 ducks and 7 jet skis (don't you love the smell of petrol fumes in the middle of a swim), so I think all swimmers felt pretty secure.

It was a long swim for all HOFFs except for Warren Smith HOFF who managed to win his age group in a speedy time. Special mention to 'The Platt HOFFs', with Courtney completing this swim in fine form - her second ever ocean swim and only on a couple of months of training, and Robyn 'I take my camera with me everywhere' HOFF completing her second camera laden swim (the first being Sydney Harbour). It's the first time I've watched someone finishing reaching down into their togs and pulling out a camera to shoot the finish line from 'the other side'!

HOFFs had approached this swim with trepidation....ringing in their ears were the words of WojoBungo HOFF..... 'Beware the things in the deep with sharp pointy teeth'......To WojoBungo we reply....TOUGHEN UP!!!! J

Photo's courtesy of Robyn Platt (aka camera girl HOFF) and Tom (Honorary HOFF and chief bag minder)

Friday, April 1, 2011

Flying South for the Winter

Saturday and HOFF's were delighted with the presence of @seppo311 (aka Michelle) who had parachuted into Merewether with Mr and Mrs @MaitlandSwimmer signalling her along the Swell Cafe parchment. There to greet her were a bunch of Hoff's (collective noun?) who were gathering up for the Merewether to Bar Beach stretch.

The group of coffee drinkers who look at the Hoff's in awe of their athletic prowess, were getting stuck into their latte's whilst the Hoff's, fully stretched and warmed up, headed beach wards. Preparations for this swim are impeccable - goggles - check, togs tied - check, sunscreen - nah. At the ready were @Aquaboy62 (aka Tingle Togs), @merfalyn, @WoJoBungo, @swimbikeknit, Doddsy, @seppo311, @MaitlandSwimmer and @EssRon, who has freed himself from cricket duties.

A nice rolling 3 to 4 ft swell was coming in from
the NE. The bank dropped off, and outside the Merewether Surf Club, a slight sweep started to drag the HOFF's southwards. The HOFF's grouped outside the breakers and then headed north. Outside the steps of Dixon, the HOFF's flaoted around - Tingle Togs proudly pointed out his son in the surf. Michelle commented how fresh the water was - obviously use to Queensland temps as the Hunter HOFF's sweltered in the 21 degree temps.

Regrouped, the HOFF's pressed on, and 10 or so minutes later were at Bar Beach. The surf was very tempting for a body bash - but out the back the dolphins, on cue made an appearance.

The swim back had then become like a wildlife adventure, not one, but three pods of dolphins greeted the HOFF's on their return journey. We listened underwater to their clicking (if only I could see..)

At swim's end, we cued for coffee and a chat. Then back to reality... jobs to do, flights to catch. Thanks flipper and @seppo311 for your presence.

Who are the HOFF's

The HOFF's or Hunter Ocean Fitness Fanatics are a body of ocean swimmers who decided that's there's more to life than reading the Weekend Australian on a Saturday morning. The HOFF's are like-minded souls who find solace at the end of a tough Australian working week in swimming the ocean off the lower Hunter. The HOFF's meeting place is Merewether; Swell Cafe and the HOFF's normal route is Merewether Bar Beach and return; a noice few K's. The HOFF's are genuine ocean swimming enthusiasts, varied in abilities but drawn together by the need to roll around in the swell and burn a few kilocal's.

Note: The HOFF's bear no relation to cheeseburger consuming actor's who get videoed by offspring after a bender but DO practice slow-mo's with pointy red thingys.